03 October 2004

Posted by karinska On Sunday, October 03, 2004
The past two weeks had been a time of deep contemplation for me. A time wherein I had to cogitate deeply, taking in consideration what I feel, what I think and how I would be after the decision.

At some point, I felt that I should have left. I should have fought for that opportunity. But I did not. After that event, certain things happened. And those things proved a lot about what I can do and who I am now.

So just like before, I have some messages for some people…

Trish thank you ‘coz even if we don’t see each other, you do reach out when I need you.

Jane R., thank you for always having the time to listen to me. Thank you for slapping the truth on my face :)

To my prince from the kingdom of Norway, thank you for your undying friendship.

Popo, I feel like in a short span of time, we’ve gone through a lot of hmmm…. thinking…. tests… stuffs like that. Now, you are still here. Still my friend. You taught me a lot. You taught me how to fight for what I want, how to be real, how to see some things in a different perspective. And as for the other side of you, I thank him as well for showing me that some things are not as they seem to be. But that doesn’t mean it’s wrong. You are blessed and you are a blessing to many *hug*

Migs, thank you too! But I say no… hahaha you know what I’ve learned? Love is pain. But sometimes love is good. You just have to take the risk, open your heart, and let it out.

to you who offered me a juice last Friday night, thank you for understanding everything. I hope that you find what you’re looking for. You are my friend and I love you so I’d like to tell you this… if you’re not ready to get bruised, do not the play the game…


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